
This is a Novel

And I wrote it.

Kind of an exciting thing to say. I mean, I've known I wanted to write books at least since I was ten (maybe longer); and while I've completed some long projects before (a novella in high school, a screenplay in college), I've never completed a full-length novel before. I wrote the last bit early one morning last week (right before having a wisdom tooth surgically removed, with local anaesthesia. Not an experience I want to repeat).

But this accomplishment is almost as daunting as it is exciting. Because when I say "this is a novel," I really mean "this is 200-odd pages of rough draft, and it still needs lots of time and attention before it's presentable." And, honestly, the thought of revising something this long is rather overwhelming . . . which is probably why I've barely looked at it since I finished it.

But hey, it's a novel.

And I wrote it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I can't wait to... wait, I already read it.

9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you! That's a way hard thing to do.

PS It's okay to give yourself a break before working to revise. In fact, it's recommended. :)

8:48 PM  
Blogger The Heart said...

Congrats on the novel. Was the wisdom tooth exposed or impacted? I had an impacted tooth removed under local anaesthesia and I never want to do anything like that again!

3:28 PM  
Blogger erendis nasard said...

Thanks. :-)

The tooth was impacted. I got through it by singing "Panis angelicus" in my head the whole time, and spent the next few days trying not to open my mouth. I'm just glad it was only one!

10:16 PM  
Blogger DaughterofGrace said...

Yay! Congratulations! When you are a famous authoress, can you remember your college friends of old? :-) By the by, have you seen Miss Potter and what did you think?

8:54 PM  
Blogger Ros said...

Yay! congratulations, I lift my Nalgene to you. If I had a glass I would lift that, but since I don't, I can't.

9:26 AM  
Blogger erendis nasard said...

"Miss Potter" was a little more upsetting than I expected, and the character was a bit annoying in some of the flashbacks to her childhood. But overall I quite liked it.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Gratia Domini said...

Yay!!!! Many Happy Returns (even if I'm a little late)! Very exciting happiness (and I love the haircut in your profile pic, too! ;).

5:09 PM  
Blogger E. said...

I'm impressed. And I completely empathize with you about not wanting to touch it again for a while. :P

5:20 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

All right!

When do your friends get signed copies, and/or drafts for editorial commentary? :-)

9:52 PM  
Blogger erendis nasard said...

Well, since this post I've decided that one of the major plot points doesn't really work; so I'll probably end up rewriting the last third of it before sending it off to anyone. But if you want it after that, commentary would be appreciated by me. :-)

6:13 PM  
Blogger Kelly Sauer said...

That is SUCH a happy feeling, isn't it?

Hello, Helen - I haven't said hey for a while, thought I'd pop in!

What is your novel about? I think I would love to read it!

2:50 PM  

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