i. don't. like. spiders.
Especially when they're taking up an entire movie screen. *shudder* Yes, we went to see "Charlotte's Web" last week for Anna's birthday. Anna took her stuffed spider, Miss Striped Tigerita. They both loved the movie. I, contrarywise, pulled a Tiffany and spent at least half the movie hiding behind my purse.
The rest of the birthday, however, was loads of fun. There were castles . . . .

. . . . and crazy people . . .

. . . . not to mention the cake.
In other news, I feel compelled to follow the examples of movie crticis everywhere and list my favorite movies of 2006. This compulsion stems, in large part, from the movie I saw today--which is probably one of the best movies I've seen. Ever.
In fact, it's so good that it deserves a blog post all to itself. So I'm going to forego the list for now, and try to figure out how to describe it without saying too much. Because those of you who would like it need to go see it--now--and I don't want to say anything that would detract from your experience.
So, yeah . . . more soon. :-)
The rest of the birthday, however, was loads of fun. There were castles . . . .

. . . . and crazy people . . .

. . . . not to mention the cake.
In other news, I feel compelled to follow the examples of movie crticis everywhere and list my favorite movies of 2006. This compulsion stems, in large part, from the movie I saw today--which is probably one of the best movies I've seen. Ever.
In fact, it's so good that it deserves a blog post all to itself. So I'm going to forego the list for now, and try to figure out how to describe it without saying too much. Because those of you who would like it need to go see it--now--and I don't want to say anything that would detract from your experience.
So, yeah . . . more soon. :-)
What film did you go see? AHHH! It's going to drive me crazy now!
LOL. You pulled a me. I'm flattered, and *highly* amused. Kay and I actually pulled a Youism not long ago. We sojourned to the Tally Ho and amused ourselves endlessly by talking the entire way through.
"Oh look, enter the minor character who will die and impel our hero onwards in his quest."
"I think she's dead. "She can't be dead, he hasn't fallen in love with her yet."
(We had the theater to ourselves.)
Please give the birthday girl my regards.
In other news, Kay & I have corrupted our roommate and hooked her on Firefly. However, we were careful to lay the original blame at your feet :-)
Love ya!
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