
Cecilia the Cow

I had two finals last week. This was one of them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

um...are you ok?

I never realized it could get worse than the soft-drink-quiz-taking, stealing-my-stuffed-dog, racing around-the-cube-room, cheese IM-ing, but I suppose there is a logical progression to coloring bright cows on a final...


12:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

um.... okay.......

1:02 AM  
Blogger The Wileyman said...

Art appreciation? If so, I wish mine had been that easy.

3:00 PM  
Blogger DaughterofGrace said...

May I inquire as to the philosophical implications of a multi-colored cow?

Oh, and speaking of philosophical implications, have you ever seen The Island? I just finished watching it (that is, watching parts of it:-) and found it quite fascinating. I think we're going to bring it down with us this weekend.....

7:40 AM  
Blogger erendis nasard said...

No it's not art--this was for "Concepts of Fitness," a mandatory class about healthy eating and exercise. The final requirement was to do a "Behavior Change Project," in which you spent 10 days trying to be more healthy in one particular area, and chronicling your success (or failure) in a journal.

You then present all this to your professor on a poster. 40% of the grade for this project is based on the creativity of the poster.

(My "target behavior," in case you're still confused, was drinking more milk.)

So there you have it. I'll let someone else figure out the philosophical implications. :-)

12:39 AM  
Blogger erendis nasard said...

DofG: I watched "the Island" sometime last year, and I'm afraid I didn't like it much . . . . it had too many over-the-top action sequences for my taste, and not enough philosophy or character development.

Not that I'm hyper-critical, or inclined to overanalyze action movies, or anything like that. :-P

12:53 AM  
Blogger The Wileyman said...

That's funny. My "Concepts of Fitness" final was an open-book take-home multiple choice/fill in the blank exam. Yours sounds more fun.

Hard to believe that was seven years ago...

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Ceciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilia, you're breakin' my heart...

2:42 PM  
Blogger The Wileyman said...

LOL, glim

8:11 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

I'm with erendis on The Island. Ha! I can't believe that poster was 40% of the grade. :) That's great!

9:56 AM  
Blogger E E Holmes said...

Wow. And I thought that MY public-university-health-class-taught-by-a grad-student-TA was bad.

Seriously, the cow looks like fun. There were some good things about state university. I want to get credit again for drawing, for lacerating my hands while cutting glass, for riviting together bits of duct and other plumbing discards to resemble a crenelated castle wall (knight included).

*sigh* The forgotten joys of an art major.

12:29 AM  

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