I'm Buffy!
You Are Buffy the Vampire Slayer |
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Well, not really, but this highly amused me--especially since it was completely unententional. (And, just for the record, that's a misquote of a line from Prophecy Girl, the season 1 finale. The second sentence should read: "I say we party.")
In other news, for anyone who keeps up with this thing, my apologies for not posting in so long--our computer at home won't let me on blogger at present, and I haven't yet figured out how to circumvent its obtuseness. But I am alive, and well, and at home. :-)
I've just finished rereading What We Can't Not Know, and I liked it even better this time through. Budzizewski reminds me of Lewis: he's very thoughtful & extremely well-read (referencing everyone from Augustine & Aquinas to Wordsworth & Yeats), and he writes with great clarity & lucidity. And his discussion of natural law is insightful, challenging, and thought-provoking. If you haven't read it, you should.
Next on the summer reading list are (1) Ideas Have Consequences, one of the books I sort-of-read for Conservative Political Thought last semester, and (2) The Iliad (which I've still never read. I know, shame on me.) After those I want to finish reading through the books from CPT, delve into twentieth century literature, and explore the early church Fathers. If all goes according to plan, I should have plenty to post about. :-)
I plan to continue work on my book as soon as I get a computer (the last four years have completely destroyed my ability to write longhand), and I'm going to see X-Men this weekend--and that pretty much covers the news-in-the-life-of-me.
Much love to all Dragons & Dark Creatures, Friends & Relations--most of whom I should see soon, and the rest of whom I hope to hear from--
The Enchantress of Lyonesse
(once a Dark Creature in Lyonesse. . . .)
Hehe, I'm Trinity. Oh, wait, was that a girls-only quiz? :-P
-Your brother the Mage
(consider me as groaning slightly and shaking my head at you--I have to ignore you loudly, since it's no fun any other way)
You are a sad, strange little girl, and you have my pity. Farewell.
LOL. Glad to know you're alive dear. I was beginning to wonder. Do post your thoughts on X-men soon, I've been wanting to hear your take on it.
On another note, I'm in the midst of the Iliad now. And, once again, I am profoundly grateful not to be an ancient Greek woman. Only the goddesses and enchantresses had any fun:-)
Yay :). I found your blog!
Ahem... you need to start visiting the library or somewhere that you can update your blog regularly. This is becoming sad. You don't want to become one of those people who is presumed deceased because of a lack of blog updatage.
Heh, I'm supposedly Trinity (I think I have to question the accuracy of Thomas taking the test). I definitely want to hear your thoughts on X3. Kendell and I saw it opening day at a theater in southern CA. I haven't been able to think it all through yet-- it would probably take a second viewing-- but I was vaguely dissatisfied. You?
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